
Marc Serra started playing the piano at five years old and completed the professional-intermediate level in Girona with honours. He studied the bachelor degree at ESMUC (Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya) in Barcelona with Maria Jesús Crespo as his piano teacher. During this period, he started working with the Lied professor Francisco Poyato, and finished his bachelor playing at Auditori de Barcelona a Lied concert as a final degree project.

He moved to Basel to study a Master in Performance in piano with the professor Claudio Martinez Mehner at the Hochschule für Musik Basel, where he also took studies in Lied with Anton Kernjak.

He has played as a soloist at l’Auditori de Girona conducted by Lluís Caballeria, he has played at Palau de la Música Catalana being selected for the contest "el Primer Palau", and in other relevant halls of the country.

He has received awards in several International and national competitions, and has played in festivals like the Festival Lied LIFE Victòria in Barcelona, Festival Nits de Clàssica or Barcelona Obertura.

He collaborated in the recording of the lied CD "Pau i Victòria" funded by the Fundación Victoria de los Ángeles, as he won two times the scholarship offered by the foundation.

He has also received awards from the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Hochschule für Musik Basel and the Fundació Güell from Barcelona.
In the field of the Lied he has worked with Wolfram Rieger, Hartmut Höll, Assumpta Mateu, Malcolm Martineau, Julius Drake among others.

He collaborated as a pianist in the Master in Lied, Spanish song and Catalan song at ESMUC from 2016 to 2019 and has worked as co-repetitor in opera productions with companies like Òpera de Sarrià. He also accompanied the Juventudes Musicales de España competition for singers in 2017, playing many concerts with the winner, Helena Ressurreiçao.

In 2019 he made his debut in the song festival La Schubertiada de Vilabertran with the soprano Irene Mas Salom, and they play at Palau de la Músic' in October of the same year winning the second prize ex-aequo of the Primer Palau competition. This october they made their debut in England at the Oxford Lieder Festival.

He also formed a duo with the baritone Ferran Albrich. They have presented at Vilabertran’s Schubertiade in 2021, at Auditori de Barcelona in 2023 and offered many recitals in Spain.

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© Harold Abellan


26 Oct 2024
Homenatge a Victoria dels Àngels
Gala lírica
Orquestra Simfònica Victoria de los Ángeles (OSVA)
Pedro Pardo, director
Teatre Auditori Sant Cugat
27 Oct 2024
Montserrat Seró, soprano
Mercedes Gancedo, soprano
Irene Mas Salom, soprano
Orquestra Simfònica Victoria de los Ángeles (OSVA)
Pedro Pardo, director
Teatre Kursaal de Manresa

Previous concerts

20 Sep 2024
Tàpies, Montsalvatge i Victoria
Montserrat Seró, soprano
Gisela Dekort, saxo
Marc Serra, piano
Museu Tàpies
17 Sep 2024
Recital del Cant i piano
Mireia Tarragó, soprano
Marc Serra, piano
Cercle del Liceu
09 Jul 2024
Recital de Lied
Irene Mas, soprano
Marc Serra, piano
Música als Masos, Olot
19 May 2024
Schubert Quintet "La Truita" D.667
Ariadna Gabarrell, violí
Joan Fèlix, viola
Nico Cobo, violoncel
Stanislava Ivanova, contrabaix
Marc Serra, piano
15 May 2024
Schubertiada: La Truita
Laia Frigolé, soprano
Ariadna Gabarrell, violí
Nina Sunyer i Joan Fèlix, viola
Nico Cobo, violoncel
Stanislava Ivanova, contrabaix
Montse Cases i Marc Serra, piano.
Casa de Cultura, Girona
08 May 2024
Der Rosenkavalier
Film Robert Wiene, 1925
Pedro Pardo, director
Orquestra Simfònica Victoria de los Ángeles (OSVA)
La Filmoteca
12 Mar 2024
Homenatge a Victoria de los Ángeles
Gala lírica
Orquestra Simfònica Victoria de los Ángeles (OSVA)
Pedro Pardo, director
Teatro de la Zarzuela
16 Jan 2024
Homenatge a Victoria de los Ángeles
Montserrat Seró, soprano
Mercedes Gancedo, soprano
Carles Pachón, baríton
Orquestra Simfònica Victoria de los Ángeles (OSVA)
Pedro Pardo, director
Palau de la Música, Barcelona
13 Jan 2024
Homenatge a Victoria de los Ángeles
Montserrat Seró, soprano
Mercedes Gancedo, soprano
Carles Pachón, baríton
Orquestra Simfònica Victoria de los Ángeles (OSVA)
Pedro Pardo, director
Celler de Vila-Seca
12 Jan 2024
Homenatge a Victoria de los Ángeles
Montserrat Seró, soprano
Mercedes Gancedo, soprano
Carles Pachón, baríton
Orquestra Simfònica Victoria de los Ángeles (OSVA)
Pedro Pardo, director
L'Atlàntida, Vic
17 Dec 2023
Recital de Lied
Evelyn Johnson, soprano
Marc Serra, piano
Sala Ramon Romagosa, Cornellà de Llobregat
06 Dec 2023
Concert de piano
Centre Cívic de Porqueres
28 Oct 2023
Carmina Burana
CREA Dance & Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
Teatre Auditori Sant Cugat
19 Oct 2023
Cor de Cambra ARSinNOVA
Maria Mauri, directora
Marc Serra, piano
Centre Cívic Pere Pruna, Barcelona
08 Oct 2023
Recital de Lied amb Irene Mas, soprano
Edifici del Rectorat UdL, LLeida
17 Sep 2023
Carmina Burana
CREA Dance & Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
La Factoria Cultural de Terrassa
16 Sep 2023
Carmina Burana
CREA Dance & Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
La Factoria Cultural de Terrassa
30 Aug 2023
Lied recital with Ferran Albrich
Igualada, Barcelona
09 Aug 2023
Piano recital
Works by Chopin, Scriabin and Liszt
Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona
07 Aug 2023
Lied recital with Irene Mas
Ciutadella, Menorca
21 May 2023
Concert with ArsInnova
Maria Mauri, conductor
Auditori Palau Falguera, Sant Feliu de Llobregat
06 May 2023
Carmina Burana
Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
Teatre Kursaal, Manresa
21 Apr 2023
Carmina Burana, chamber version
Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
Teatre Municipal Ateneu, Igualada
16 Apr 2023
Carmina Burana
Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
Auditori Enric Granados, Lleida
15 Apr 2023
Carmina Burana
Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
Palau de la Música Catalana, Barcelona
14 Apr 2023
Carmina Burana
Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
Teatre Tarragona
31 Mar 2023
Carmina Burana, chamber version
Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès (Xavier Puig, conductor)
La Factoria Cultural de Terrassa


MarcSerra video 01play
Etude in C # Minor Op. 42 no. 5, by Alexander Scriabin
MarcSerra video 02play
Reflets dans l'eau (Images 1), by Claude Debussy


MarcSerra video 03play
Urlicht (Des Knaben Wunderhorn), by Gustav Mahler. With Ferran Albrich, baritone
MarcSerra video 03play
Cançó de l'oblit, by Eduard Toldrà. With Irene Mas, soprano